The Gender, Trauma & Violence Knowledge Incubator @ Western University (GTV Incubator) is a collective of researchers, community service leaders, educators and trainees committed to gender, trauma and violence research, policy and practice.
Our goals are to:
- Develop and evaluate a suite of Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care (TVIC) education and training materials, based on our collective work to date, adaptable to a variety of service contexts and tailorable to different types of learners.
- Establish a core group of experts to deliver the training directly, and to others who want to become educators.
- Expand the concept of “TVI” into other domains including research, program evaluation, policy and advocacy.
- Develop, resource and conduct research and evaluation.
- Share and mobilize this knowledge using tailored, innovative strategies.
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Featured Projects

Our new book titled: Implementing Trauma- and Violence-Informed Care: A Handbook launched in July 2023 by University of Toronto Press. Order your copy here!
New free, online TVIC Foundations Curriculum launched by GTV Incubator members and EQUIP Healthcare! Visit https://equiphealthcare.ca/tvic-foundations/ to learn about and register for this open access course!
Nadine Wathen & Tara Mantler published a paper on the need to integrate TVIC and considerations of structural violence & inequities into interventions for intimate partner violence - link to the free pdf here or visit the journal website here.
See findings from our project examining the impacts of COVID-19 policy responses on violence against women services including info-graphics, open access journal articles & videos here.
Susan Jack led development of a new free e-learning module to support TVIC in those conducting home visits to new families. See our new module on TVIC in Public Health Home Visiting & Outreach here.
Tanaz Javan completed her doctoral dissertation examining how organizations take up and implement TVIC - see it here.
Learn more about our study evaluating the impacts of trauma- and violence-informed care workshops here.